Have you tried climbing before?

boyfriend shirt linen blie
Kelly Lee van Velthoven
April, 01, 2023

Are you looking for something else to train your mind and body? Try bouldering or outdoor climbing. We don't know about you, but exercising outdoors makes us happy and feel healthy. Sometimes it's nice to spice up your routine and try new stuff. While I was in the Netherlands for a visit, I discovered climbing with the sisters and friends of my husband. It was so much fun and challenging in many ways.

Solving a puzzle with your body.

The first time I did bouldering, I thought it was about getting as fast as possible at the top. I got very disappointed, I wasn't fast at all, and the little rocks on the wall looked silly. My husband told me it's not a competition; finishing a path is like solving a puzzle. Then it clicked, and I started to have fun in this new climbing adventure. You start with a certain level and color at the bottom, and you're done when you put both hands on the last rock at the top. You don't have to be afraid of heights because it's not really that high, and beneath you are thick cushions. Even if you fall, you won't get hurt.

Climbing and working with physical and mental capacity.

While you are having fun and solving your puzzle, you will discover that you are using your whole body and muscles. Although you use strength, bouldering doesn't require you to be a bundle of muscles; it's mostly about technique and dividing your body weight. What I love about climbing is that it needs flexibility, core training, and all your muscles. It's the perfect workout without a lot of sweating. But you feel rewarded afterward, often with a clear mind as well. The further you will go up in level you may find yourself in very cool positions, which makes the bouldering part a lot of fun. Start at the beginning, and every new level feels like a bit of victory. I loved how good I felt about my small accomplishments.

Is bouldering something for me too?

If you don't have any injuries, you should do bouldering; if you have doubts about your health, you should consult your doctor first. Anyone can start from scratch at a beginner level. It helps if you join some friends or make contact with the community. Bouldering and indoor climbing are evolved a lot around the community. Getting tips from other climbers is pretty helpful, especially at the beginning. If you want to be more serious, take some technique and beginner lessons. 

Do I need special equipment for bouldering?

You can wear a T-shirt and shorts, for that matter, or your yoga outfit, as long as you feel comfortable and have enough free moving range in your outfit. Clothes are not incredibly important; shoes, on the other hand, are essential. You will need special climbing shoes. Most climbing schools offer rental shoes if you want to try them out first before you commit to buying a pair.

With love, Kelly

